I spent all day getting ready for the Fremont Fair in Seattle. It is this Saturday and Sunday [10a-8p and 11a-7p], there will be artist, musicians, a parade, food and much much more. My booth will be located on N 35th St near Evanston Ave N if you find yourself in the neighborhood. This will be my first time participating in the Fremont Fair, or any Seattle Street Fair!

My friend Erin is making the drive with me to help with set up and such, and just for some good company for the long weekend. Even though I cant wait for the fair, more than anything, I cant wait to spend Friday before setup at the Pacific Science Center!!! YAY!!! Erin and I are going to leaving bright and early so that we can play ALL DAY!!! When I was in grade school, my family had a Gold Membership to the PSC and we went at least once a month!! LOVE IT!!!

I will do my best to take pictures at the event, but if not, at least at the Science Center!
Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed for good weather!!!