Oh what a glorious day. The sun is shinning, I am all ready and rearing to go for a super uber ENORMOUS Clearance SALE tomorrow at the Art Hop and have I ever mentioned how much I love Happy Hour client meetings!!!

Today I met with a wonderful couple, Melissa and Michael, to go over the rough draft of their wedding announcements. We are very excited about the direction they are going and I should be finishing them up early next week. Our meeting took place at my favorite Portland Bar, the
Bonfire. If you have never been their, I highly recommend their happy hour menu. Served everyday from 2-7pm.
Burbank Airport, CA - Holga

As for the
Art Hop... I will be located on the 21st block of Alberta from 11-6pm. I will also be sharing my booth with my good friend
Brenda Dunn. Brenda and I share studio space and we are having a huge sale to clear out all of last years art stock.
Happy Friday, have a wonderful sunny weekend!!!